Monday, July 14, 2008

Gay bishop challenges exclusion from Anglican meeting

Openly gay New Hampshire Bishop V. Gene Robinson remains one of the most fascinating--and awe-inspiring--people I have interviewed, and his appearances in London over the last few days continue to prove that point well.

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams excluded Robinson from the once-a-decade Lambeth Conference in an effort to prevent further schisms in the religious body, but the Associated Press and other media outlets have reported this decision has almost certainly backfired.

Robinson is an inspiration for millions of gay and lesbian people of faith around the world. He continues to profess his own unique brand of ministry to people, such as himself, who remain at the margins of society and in the communities in which they live. The Anglican Church obviously continues to struggle to maintain some sort of traditional identity that allows the power brokers found within it to keep a sense of control. Robinson represents a very clear and present threat to this hierarchical system. The church is arguably a stronger and frankly more viable institution with his presence and inclusive ministry.


MyMyMichl said...

We may be living in a time when another Martin Luther is about to take on the traditional, dust covered church. This is me clapping and wishing all organized religion would go to its special place in hell.

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder, as it's never too early to start planning. The homophobic reggae Straight Pride Parade is still set for Aug. 31 on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn in conjunction with the west Indian Day Parade. I don't know which of the usual protestors will be there, Radical Homosexual Agenda, GLAAD, Queer Nation, ACT UP ? but I'm sure the plans and info. will be forthcoming. Thanks.