Friday, May 25, 2007

Isaiah Washington PSA Airs

A long-awaited PSA which features Grey's Anatomy star Isaiah Washington finally aired on ABC last night during two episodes of the popular medical drama. Washington met with GLAAD President Neil Giuliano and GLSEN Founder and Executive Director Kevin Jennings earlier this year after he used an anti-gay slur during a post-Golden Globes press conference. The actor reportedly agreed to appear in the PSA as a means to combat intolerance against LGBT people. A simple PSA does not erase the impact Washington's statements had on his colleagues and the overall LGBT community. Activists [and the broader movement], however, should commend Washington and his appearance in the spot as continued personal accountability for his words and the resolution of the impact they continue to have. This blogger remains hopeful Washington will continue to work with the movement to counter homophobia within Hollywood and across this country.

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