Friday, July 27, 2007

LGBT New Yorkers Boycott Caliente Cab Company

The arguably inevitable boycott of the Caliente Cab Company restaurant in the West Village continues more than a month after a bouncer allegedly confronted lesbian Khadijah Farmer while she used the eatery's restroom. The Queer Justice League picketed the restaurant on July 15. The group plans to hold a second protest on Sunday to renew their calls that LGBT New Yorkers boycott the Caliente Cab Company until Farmer receives a formal apology.

Farmer's case continues to receive widespread coverage in New York's mainstream, LGBT and even Spanish media. Her lawyer, Michael Silverman of the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, has filed a complaint with the city's Commission on Human Rights on his clients behalf. He is also considering a lawsuit against Caliente Cab Company after negotiations with their counsel produced little progress. This case remains a sad irony in part because the alleged discrimination took place hours after more than 500,000 people took part in the city's annual Pride parade in Manhattan. The restaurant continues to disregard the serious allegations Farmer has made against it. Activists are right to demand action against the eatery and to show discrimination has no place in New York.

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